In his autobiography, St. Ignatius of Loyola called himself “the pilgrim.” What do pilgrims do? They walk! Did you know that it’s easy to add prayer to your exercise through “prayer walking?” Come join us for an introduction to both prayer walking and to St. Ignatius’ Rules for Eating, found in his Spiritual Exercises. Yes, Ignatius was offering eating tips 500 years ago!
Bring a comfortable pair of shoes for walking, and if you have any health issues, please check with your doctor first. Lunch is included. To register, click HERE.
Guided by Paul Gallagher. Paul Gallagher, D.Min. is a longtime faith formation leader in the Archdiocese of Baltimore and is currently the Director of Faith Formation at Sacred Heart Parish in Glyndon. He received his doctorate at Catholic University of America, focusing on the positive effects Ignatian Spirituality can have on a person’s health and well-being. His blog,, has been viewed by thousands of people all over the world. Through his retreats, blog posts, and spiritual direction, he looks to help people transform their lives by integrating Ignatian practices into their daily routines. Paul used the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius to get his own health back on track and looks forward to helping you with your transformation.